Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hiller Systems Supports Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center Emergency Management Fair

Hiller Systems, your premier Fire Protection and Security Solutions provider, presents: "Hiller Systems Supports Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center Emergency Management Fair". - Article written and submitted by Mike Glover and Teresa Rosen.

Recently, DePaul Medical Center of Bon Secours, conducted an Emergency Management Fair to better prepare the Bon Secours employees and their families for disasters in the Hampton Roads area.  Hiller Systems was invited by Michael Craig, Director of Safety, Security and Emergency Management to assist in putting this fair on.    

Pictured here:  Teresa Rosen and Michael Craig

The fair was a great success.  The employee's of Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center learned a lot about how to prepare and react to natural and man made disasters here in Hampton Roads.  Hiller Systems was proud to be a contributing member of this worth while cause.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone about having a display at your Health care event or facility, please contact Teresa Rosen with the following contact information:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hiller Systems Attends the Annual Towing Vessel Safety Seminar

Hiller Systems, your premier Fire Protection & Security Solutions provider, presents: "Hiller Systems Attends the Annual Towing Vessel Safety Seminar". - Article written and submitted by Dan Clift.

Recently, the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads and the Virginia Maritime Association sponsored the 11th Annual Towing Safety Seminar.  Hiller Systems was invited to demonstrate the operation of high pressure CO2 fire suppression systems at the seminar. The United States Coast Guard and the Virginia Maritime Association host this seminar to provide specialized training for towing vessels and tugboat crews/professionals to stay up on the latest safety and fire protection techniques available.  Dan C. and Joe G., representing Hiller Systems attended the seminar to demonstrate the operation of a high pressure CO2 fire suppression system.  During and after the high pressure CO2 fire suppression system demonstration, Hiller Systems personnel provided an in depth look at what a typical CO2 system would look like and what safety inspectors should be looking for when reviewing a system.  

By bringing a fully operational high pressure CO2 fire suppression system mock-up to this Towing Vessel Safety Seminar, Hiller Systems easily demonstrated proper operation, safety features and inspection techniques the crews would need on board their vessels.  In addition, the crews were also introduced to FM-200 clean agent fire suppression systems.  This type of training is extremely beneficial to the United States Coast Guard and the Tugboat industries.

Also provided for display were several different styles and sizes of portable fire extinguishers for display. These extinguishers provided the Coast Guard and the tugboat industry personnel an opportunity to see different types of portable fire extinguishers.  They were able to see the differences between a CO2, ABC, PKP and Water portable fire extinguishers.  These portable fire extinguishers are important because these are the first line of defense in firefighting on a vessel, often times, the portable fire extinguisher will be used before the activation of the high pressure CO2 fire suppression system or an FM-200 clean agent fire suppression system.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone about having this display at your event or facility, please contact Dan Clift with the following contact information:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hiller Systems Supports AGC and American Red Cross

Hiller Systems, your premier Fire Protection & Security Solutions provider, presents:  "Hiller Systems Supports the Associated General Contractors of Virginia and the American Red Cross.  Article written and submitted by Belinda Arthur.

On November 11th, 2010, in honor of Veteran’s Day, Hiller Systems hosted a blood drive for AGC (Associated General Contractors of Virginia) and the American Red Cross.  Hiller Systems employees and valued customers and vendors donated 59 pints of blood that day in honor and in memory of the men and women who serve our country. The Vice President and General Manager of Hiller Systems personally served a free lunch to all donors that day. In addition, each donor was presented with a certificate for a free Chick-Fil-A sandwich compliments of Chick-Fil-A on Battlefield Boulevard. This was the second drive in less than a month as Hiller Systems employees also hosted a Blood Drive at the Greenbrier Mall on October 30 where they were able to obtain 44 pints of blood. Free Chick-Fil-A nugget certificates were given to all donors at that drive compliments of Chi-Fil-A at Greenbrier Circle Mall.  Hiller Systems support of the Red Cross is an annual event coinciding with the AGC Annual Blood Drive. 

Donating blood is something that just about everyone can do to give back to the community! 97% of us will either need blood or know someone who will need blood in our lifetime. With that said, only 5% of the eligible population that can donate does so. That leaves 95% of us that can, but aren’t.  There are many myths about not being able to donate. You CAN donate despite having a tattoo as long as it was done at a licensed facility. You CAN donate while being on most medications. Very few medications will actually defer you.

Did you know…
  • that every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood?
  • that YOUR single donation of blood will help save lives?
  • that ALL blood types are needed; Type O is the most requested blood type for hospitals?
  • that you can donate every 56 days?
  • that blood cannot be manufactured? Volunteer donations are our the only means of keeping an adequate community blood supply.
If this blog inspired you to donate blood and you don’t know where you can do it, go to http://www.weneedblood.org/ to find a local blood drive near you!

Belinda Arthur, Director of Sales & Marketing for Hiller Systems is the chairperson for the AGC Blood Drive. She proudly announced that the local chapter membership of AGC successfully collected over 400 pints of blood this year as part of the annual drive.  As you can see, we are VERY proud of Belinda and all she has accomplished with this endeavor.